A Cinematic Universe: Season 2 is the next installment of the A Cinematic Universe series. This season is heavily about the idea of Los Angeles to me. I say “idea” because I think Los Angeles, like any city, can be a multitude of things to anyone at any point in time. I don’t think one idea is really any truer than another. Even to me, the idea of LA changed over time and even changes continuously still as I look back on certain periods. As much as I could over just 6 songs, I tried to capture a period in my life where the golden hills started to look more brown, and the constant sunshine started to veil the passing of time. Still, even in the dusty limbo, I did love every minute of my time there. I think my first LA period is everything I needed and I wish I could’ve captured my feelings about it more in records when I was just beginning to experience the city. Maybe one day. For now, the (interim) ending is the beginning.


Brain Tor


A Cinematic Universe: Season 1